We have helped many companies create and deploy
differentiating and impactful strategies.

From the fundamentals to the deployment of the strategy

We help you create a strategic platform that makes sense and characterizes the ambition of the company, unites and engages all players, and makes a clear and distinctive positioning oi the market.

Our collaborative approach allows us to build on your corporate DNA by engaging all stakeholders. We want to focus on the real essence of your differentiation and to ensure this is part of your competitive differentiation:

  • A vision that allows everyone to project themselves
  • A precise mission that serves as a reference for all actions and decisions
  • Values that give meaning, contribute to the cohesion and commitment of all stakeholders


We establish a complete diagnosis by analyzing macro-environmental factors, market trends, customer and non-customer expectations, the competitive forces present, the main performance vectors, key financial data, etc.

Based on this shared analysis, we define the most appropriate strategic approach to the company’s ambition.

Ambitions and strategic axes

In full alignment with the vision, mission and values of the company, we define the medium or long-term ambition of the company. We validate the target markets, the portfolio of products and services, the customer segments, the territories envisaged…

We establish a limited number of strategic, ambitious but realistic axes, which will make it possible to make the difference and to impose ourselves.

Challenges and capacities

For each axis, we define the stakes and the impact of this ambition on all the resources, means, processes, and systems of the company, and the transformations necessary to be able to achieve the objectives defined in the given time.


We are developing a global roadmap with the key milestones for the deployment of the strategy.

We then break down the issues for each department involved, by establishing detailed roadmaps: measurable objectives, appropriate sizing of resources and means, a precise execution schedule, a clear allocation of responsibilities, etc.

The implementation of the strategy and its deployment within all the entities of the company are essential steps: many organizations fail for lack of sufficient attention to implementation. We adopt a simple and methodical approach, considering this phase as a project in its own right, and not as a “business as usual” activity:

  • Well-defined governance, with precise allocation of responsibilities within top management
  • Regular steering meetings with all stakeholders, to review the progress of the deployment, analyze the constraints and possible blockages, and take the necessary decisions
  • A dedicated monitoring tool to monitor, for each strategic axis, all initiatives, tasks and actions, at all levels of the company
  • A tailor-made change management protocol, with all the necessary tools to share the key elements of the strategy, and promote employee engagement